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Our company strictly adheres to the national standard GB/T 19000:2000 Quality Management System as the principle, and is committed to meeting quality requirements as a part of quality management. The goal is to ensure that the quality of the product meets the quality requirements proposed by customers, laws and regulations, such as applicability, reliability, and safety. The scope involves various links throughout the entire process of product quality formation, such as the design process, procurement process, production process, installation process, etc. The content includes homework techniques and activities, which includes two aspects: professional skills and management skills. Control the five major factors that affect work quality, including human, machine, material, method, and environment, around each link in the entire process of product quality formation, and verify the results of quality activities in stages to timely identify problems, take corresponding measures, prevent the recurrence of nonconformities, and minimize losses as much as possible. Therefore, quality control should adhere to the principle of combining prevention with inspection and control. The method should determine what type of inspection method should be used at each quality control point. The inspection methods are divided into counting inspection and quantitative inspection
After years of practice and continuous technological progress, the quality of our products has risen sharply, and the return rate for each model is controlled within 3%.